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Root Canal Treatment Common Questions

Root Canal Treatment Common Questions

December 1, 2022

Hearing your dentist suggest you need a root canal during your dental visit to verify why a specific tooth causes severe pain and lingering sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures might overwhelm you. In addition, you might not know what a canal entails and have several questions that need to be clarified.

You are justified in having questions about the root canal procedure. Thankfully the family dentist in Midland answers all your questions to help you gain confidence that the treatment will help save your tooth as they provide quality services to ensure they eliminate an infection inside your tooth. This article focuses on some common questions you might have and answers them to give you peace of mind about this tooth-saving procedure.

Why Do You Need a Root Canal?

You become vulnerable to receiving endodontic treatment when the inside of your tooth becomes infected or inflamed because of untreated cavities or damage to the tooth. The therapy helps remove the dental pulp inside your tooth, clean the canals, and fill it up with biocompatible material to seal the tooth. If you refuse endodontic treatment as suggested by the dentist in Midland, you risk losing your tooth to extraction or becoming vulnerable to infections in other parts of your body.

Aren’t Root Canals Painful?

Root canals were incredibly painful when they were performed by neighbourhood barbers instead of qualified dentists. In ancient times barbers functioned as dentists and probably used hair clippers to perform this acute treatment. Fortunately, skilled Endodontists perform root canal treatments in present times, ensuring the pain you feel is no worse than having a standard dental filling. The specialists are trained in pain management to relieve the pain you feel from your infected tooth without causing additional pain. You receive adequate anesthesia in the mouth with sedation to ensure you think the specialist completed the procedure within a few minutes, although you spend over 90 minutes in the dentist’s chair.

Which Is Better, Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

Many people fear root canals and consider having their teeth extracted after hearing from their dentist it is the only alternative. However, is tooth extraction better than a root canal? Consider the following to make your choice on which option you must consider.

A root canal eliminates an infection inside your tooth without affecting the tooth’s structure. After restoring it as suggested by your dentist, you can continue using the tooth for many years without confronting further challenges.

Unfortunately, if you prefer to have the tooth extracted to eliminate the infection, you lose your natural tooth and have gaps between your smile that need closing as soon as possible. In addition, tooth replacement solutions are not affordable and will likely cost thousands, besides needing multiple appointments with dentists until you get the replacement solution.

Root canal therapy helps you preserve your natural tooth by eliminating the infection, and the treatment is more affordable than having an artificial tooth as a replacement.

Do You Need a Crown after a Root Canal?

After removing the dental pulp from inside your tooth during the root canal procedure, your tooth becomes fragile and prone to fractures and breakage. The dentist places a filling in the tooth, requesting that you have it restored with a dental crown to return its functionality and strength besides aesthetic appearance. You can have a permanent filler in the tooth if you wish. However, investing in a dental crown ensures your tooth remains safeguarded beneath it for more than a decade with proper dental hygiene.

Can You Go to Work After Getting a Root Canal?

Depending on your anxiety level, you might receive sedation and local anesthesia in the mouth when you undergo a root canal. The anesthesia leaves your mouth numb for four to six hours until after the therapy. Therefore if you don’t need to talk at work, you can consider going to work after a root canal. However, your dentist suggests you rest for the day without straining yourself to ensure you recover quickly without complications. In any case, you will experience some discomfort after the anesthesia wears off, making it impractical for you to work or move around, making it better to take the day off after receiving this intensive treatment.

Now that we have answered the most common questions about endodontic therapy, we are confident you will contact Midland Avenue Dental to receive the recommended root canal treatment. Visit the practice confidently because they will eliminate the infection within your tooth painlessly and help you appropriately manage the discomfort later.